Monday 14 March 2011

'Monumen Serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949'

Monumen 1 Maret Yogyakarta

General attack March 1, 1949 is the attack that took place on March 1, 1949 against the city of Yogyakarta is a large scale planned and prepared by the highest ranks of the military in the Division III / GM III by including several top leaders of local civil government based on the instructions of the Commander in Chief Sudirman, to prove to the international world that the military - also means the Republic of Indonesia - are still there and quite strong, and thus to strengthen Indonesia's position in ongoing negotiations on the UN Security Council with the primary objective to break the Dutch troop morale and prove to the international world that the Indonesian military (TNI) still has the power to organize resistance.
Soeharto at that time as a brigade commander X / Wehrkreis III participate as field operators in the region of Yogyakarta.


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